Research is an important part of professional practice, with evidence practice now well established. Questioning what we as nurses and diabetes educators do, makes for a quality approach to the services we provide and strategies used to educate and support people with diabetes.

Director of EdHealth Australia, Jayne Lehmann completed a Bachelor of Nursing (Education) in 1989. This was the beginning of her interest in researching the outcomes of her work in the Flinders Medical Centre Diabetes Education Unit. Her course work included the design of an education and accreditation program to train nurses to do quality and safe blood glucose monitoring in a hospital setting. This was the first of its kind and many hospitals around Australia subsequently based their training and accreditation programs on Jayne’s formative work. Jayne has presented in Australia and overseas many oral presentations, posters and clinical papers on – original research she integrated into her clinical practice. She has also had papers published in diabetes, nursing and disability-focused publications.

ADEA Conference 2007 045
Jayne Lehmann presenting an oral presentation at the ADS ADEA and NZSSD Combined Scientific Meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand September 2007.

The Check, Think and Act is a paper based resource Jayne designed and trialed to help people with diabetes to understand what their blood glucose numbers mean. To support people with diabetes to achieve their blood glucose targets, this resource takes them through a process of checking their blood glucose level, thinking about what the number means and then acting on the number to keep it in the healthy range. This is the key to diabetes management explained in a visual manner. Click on the link to see the poster Jayne presented at the 2016 ADS ADEA Conference on the Gold Coast in August.2016 ADS ADEA Conference Check, Think and Act research poster

Jayne Lehmann and Victoria Stevenson, a Victorian RN CDE investigated diabetes educator beliefs around people with diabetes and an intellectual disability in 2012 and presented their findings in a poster at the 2013 International Diabetes Federation Congress in Melbourne. Click on the link to see the poster! 2013 poster DE beliefs PWDID


Past research

2016 Impact of the Check, Think and Act Resource on Undergraduate Podiatry Student’s Learning (with Dr Sara Jones).

2014   Diabetes in People with Intellectual & Developmental Disability – Incidence, Understanding & Management. (with Prof. Jane Speight, Assoc. Prof. Keith McVilly, Assoc. Prof. Jane McGillray, Lucy Morrish and Ashlee Curtis from Deakin University in Victoria.

2013 Beliefs of Australian Diabetes Educators in the Care and Education of People with Diabetes and Intellectual Disability.

2011 Impact on Glycosylated Haemoglobin and Service Satisfaction from the Introduction of a Diabetes Assessment and Education Clinic at Minda in SA for people with intellectual disability.

2010 Diabetes Care Audit of a South Australian Disability Care Organisation.

2009 Profiling Private Practice Credentialled Diabetes Educators.

2008 Acceptability of a Waiting Room Questionnaire to Focus Education Sessions.

2007 Self Employed Credentialled Diabetes Educators Hit the Spot! (with Lauren Botting).

1993 Evaluation Study of the Flinders Clinic Diabetes Management and Education Clinic.

1990 – 1994 The Attitudes of Nurses to Diabetes Mellitus – from Novice to Expert. Conducted in collaboration with Ms. Meri King and Dr. Rosalyn Shute and Paul Williamson from University of SA.

1991 The Identification, Treatment and Prevention of Hypoglycaemia by Nursing Staff at Flinders Medical Centre.

1988 The Screening, Diagnosis and Education of Women with Gestational Diabetes in South Australia.