EdHealth Australia is a one-stop shop for a range of strategies to support people with a disability to care for their diabetes.
EdHealth’s Director, Jayne Lehmann RN CDE began teaching support workers about diabetes in 2010 using a face-to-face program she wrote and presented in South Australia. Jayne saw a need to expand the reach of the training program and created the Diabetes 4 Disability online program, which she launched in 2019. This is a well established and popular NDIS funded support worker training program used by disability organisations and NDIS participants across Australia. Support workers are able to put health professional recommendations into action after they have done this training.
The Diabetes 4 Disability Support course ticks the boxes the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) expects from a quality education course for support workers required to supervise, support or administer subcutaneous injectable diabetes medications for clients with diabetes.

The Diabetes 4 Disability Support Training is more comprehensive than similar courses…
Many basic courses on diabetes care for disability support workers are 2 hours long, however they do not appear to cover the information in enough depth for support workers to be able to put it into practice.
We don’t think it is … Certificate III and Certificate IV disability support courses don’t include any diabetes care and support or injectable medication training. Our benchmark is to teach support workers the information their client would be taught if they were able to care for their diabetes on their own. The lived experience of the course author, Jayne Lehmann, underpins the content in the course and the way the information is presented. That is what sets this course apart from the others.
How is the course customised for each NDIS participant?
The training is split into three separate modules with additional, shorter modules available, to cover the type of glucose monitoring they are doing and the treatment their doctor has recommended to manage their diabetes.
There are three main Modules:
Module 1: Diabetes care in the community (3-6** hours): The longest module, it runs over 6 lessons providing an overview of the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, glucose monitoring, their lifestyle and medication treatments and disability support required to identify, treat and prevent diabetes linked health issues.
Module 2: Glucose Monitoring (2-4** hours): This theory and practice module focuses on how to use a blood glucose meter, with participants learning how to accurately check, think and act on blood glucose levels for quality results. A Practice Pack can be arranged with glucose meters for staff to use while they are doing this module.
Module 3: Insulin support and administration by support workers (2-4** hours): This theory and practice module focuses on the administration and support required for a person with a disability to have their insulin, using a disposable or cartridge insulin pen. There are three lessons, including one on identification, treatment and prevention of hypoglycaemia. A Practice Pack can be arranged with practice insulin pens for staff to use while they are doing this module.
** Hours vary, depending on each course participant’s English/computer skills, technology and wi-fi used to do the course.
Are there any other diabetes technology and injectable medications you can cover?
New diabetes monitoring and injectable treatments are being used by people with diabetes all of the time. To make sure support workers get the training they need for their client’s specific needs, extra lessons can be added to the main modules.
Continuous glucose monitoring
- Libre 2 interstitial glucose monitoring system
- Dexcom 5 or 6 Continuous glucose monitoring system
Other diabetes injectable medications
- Ozempic
- Saxenda
- Trulicity
Diabetes emergency medication
- GlucaGen HypoKit (glucagon)
Online Skills Session

All support workers doing the course do an Online Skills Session with one of the EdHealth Credentialled Diabetes Educators. This provides a chance to go through the glucose monitoring and injectable medication skills learnt in the course. We also make sure each participant has learnt the correct technique for the diabetes equipment their client uses.
Specific information about the client’s diabetes equipment and medications are discussed. They can also ask questions related to the course content and how it relates to their client’s support. This person-centred approach enhances their learning and confidence to apply what they have learned in the support of their client.
Are certificates provided?
Yes, certificates are provided after the group has passed the online course and their Online Skills Session. The organisation can store a copy for their records and then forward copies of the certificate to their staff.
When do the staff need to re-do the course?
We recommend the course is repeated yearly, to keep their knowledge up to date and discuss any issues in relation to their client’s specific support needs.
Want to find out more
We would love to help you work out what you need to address your client’s diabetes support needs.
Phone: 0412 102 048 Email: office@edhealth.com.au Contact us
- Want to read testimonials from past participants click here
- Who else has used the Diabetes 4 Disability training? click here.
Jayne Lehmann went to Port Pirie in July 2018 to train support workers for South Australian disability support organisation CARA. Selfie time … Nice looking bunch aren’t we!