The following links are provided to assist health professionals to find current guidelines and evidence based practice information to guide and review the services and care they provide to people with diabetes.
IDF Diabetes Voice Women and Diabetes October 2017
IDF World Diabetes Atlas (posted 16/11/2017)
Diabetes Australia Position Statement Glucose Self Monitoring in Adults with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes (Added 4/9/2017)
Release of new fact sheet: Incidence of insulin-treated diabetes in Australia, 2015. Great information for presentations, articles and updating knowledge and skills in this area of care. (Added 22/2/2017)
American Association of Diabetes Educators Infusion set resources – rotation guide, trouble shooting checklist, infusion set education resource
New Obesity Management Guidelines – Check out 2016 released obesity treatment guidelines to keep you up to day with current evidence and recommendations.
Check, Think and Act resource – An innovative paper based resource that can be printed as a handout or laminated as an education resource that supports health professionals in their education of people with diabetes. People with diabetes use the number before the decimal place (full stop) on their meter to then find it on the appropriate number line (either before a meal or two hours after a meal) to identify if their blood glucose level is in the low (red) zone, healthy (green) zone or high (amber) zone. Underneath each zone is information to support people to positively act on their glucose levels to bring them back to target. You can use this resource in your own diabetes care and education. Go to the shop on this site to purchase the health professional version, including limited copyright agreement.
In 2015 the Fitter Guidelines were launched. FITTER stands for the Forum for Injection Technique & Therapy Expert Recommendations and is an international program sponsored by BD. The new FITTER Insulin Injection & Infusion Recommendations are the result of the largest injection technique survey ever performed for people with diabetes. The survey was conducted across 42 countries and gained responses from more than 13,000 people.
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