D4D Training for disability support workers

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Welcome to EdHealth Australia’s Diabetes 4 Disability (D4D) online course for support workers. The course will give you the knowledge and skills to safely support your client with their diabetes.

The flexible course format enables EdHealth to train support workers in the specific knowledge you need to provide diabetes support to your client. As a result, training is likely to vary between groups doing the D4D course as it is focused on your client’s diabetes treatment and monitoring needs.

Click! to read about the Modules support workers can do in the D4D course. The Modules you are registered to do are at the bottom of this page.

Tell your Group Leader when you pass the online course to arrange for you to do an Online Skills Check. 

Online Skills Check (OSC)

All participants do an OSC session. They are run by one of our Registered Nurses or Credentialled Diabetes Educators as a Zoom session for up to three people from your organisation. Participants are taught how to use the equipment in the relevant Module and a demonstration of the correct use of the equipment will be provided in the OSC. Further practice time is provided to build your confidence using the equipment. Then your technique using the equipment is checked using a Procedure document to make sure you are using it safely and accurately. There is time for you to ask any questions you have about the online course content, or the use of the equipment.

Your client’s specific needs related to the use of the diabetes equipment will be discussed.


Phone and email support is provided for participants doing the D4D course if a glitch or issue is encountered, by EdHealth.

During business hours: 9am – 5pm (SA time)

Monday, Thursday and Friday call Leah 0412 102 048 or email admin1@edhealth.com.au

Tuesday, Wednesday and after hours call Bree on 0478 392 755 or email office@edhealth.com.au

Out of business hours between 8.30am -8.30pm (SA time):

To begin your first lesson, scroll down to the D4D course menu below. Find the first lesson and click on the link to begin the course.


Work through the lessons and quizzes in the Modules you are registered to do. As you do the course, consider how the information applies to the support you will be givimg your client with their diabetes.

Also consider how to get your client actively involved in their diabetes care, to the best of their ability.

  • At the end of Module 1, sit the Module 1 Quiz after you have finished the Lesson 6 quiz.
  • Once you score a mark over 80% … ( re-sit the quiz until you pass).
  • Certificates are sent to your Group Leader once all of the group has finished and passed the course and OSC. The Group Leader sends the certificate to you after they have documented your successful participation in the D4D course.