Jayne Lehmann is a nationally awarded Registered Nurse and Credentialled Diabetes Educator. From a base in South Australia, Jayne’s business, EdHealth Australia, delivers diabetes support services to people with intellectual, cognitive and psycho-social disability, across Australia, as a Registered NDIS Provider.

Known as an author, clinician, consultant, human rights advocate, innovator and presenter, Jayne has designed the Diabetes 4 Disability program, which is made up of thirteen customisable strategies. Each client’s needs are assessed, and those of their circle of support; appropriate services are chosen and customised to deliver the diabetes support solution, to improve the quality and safety of diabetes care, support and education for people with a disability.

Under Jayne’s leadership, EdHealth is creating the benchmark for quality diabetes care, support and education. This has been significantly informed by twenty-six years of lived experience caring, and advocating, for her daughter, Sarah, who lived with Dravet Syndrome (severe intellectual disability, unstable epilepsy, communication, behaviour and walking challenges). Sadly, Sarah died 2 days before her 26th birthday at the end of 2019. Jayne continues to use all that Sarah taught her, about the challenge of living with an intellectual disability and chronic health condition, to create Diabetes 4 Disability (D4D). Thirteen strategies are available to customise and package together for each person with a disability and their circle of support. The diabetes support solution delivers quality and safe diabetes care, support and education.

Included in the Diabetes 4 Disability suite of services is a training program for disability support workers, customised Diabetes Management Plans, Low literacy support resources and education strategies. Services are personalised and wrapped around the individual and their circle of support to deliver contemporary diabetes management as recommended for all Australians.