Type 2 diabetes BGM Strip Restrictions – CDE Survival Guide (Part 2)

For the first time, Australians with type 2 diabetes not using insulin will have access to blood glucose monitoring (BGM) strips restricted. Jayne Lehmann continues with the second instalment of a blog that guides Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDEs) and health care professionals through the new guidelines and their implications for people with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Awareness Week 2016 – Same old, same old!

Yet again a negative and frightening national awareness campaign has been launched into the media and social media channels across Australia by Diabetes Australia (DA). This will be my thirty-first Diabetes Awareness Week and unfortunately will yet again increase diabetes distress in many people with diabetes as well as those yet to be diagnosed. There

Twitter – A DE tool for good not evil!

I need to declare from the outset – like many of my colleagues in the BTE (that’s Before Twitter Experience!) period I did not see a place for technological platforms in my diabetes education. Now ATE (After Twitter Experience!) there’s no stopping me! Previous blogs have looked at my introduction to Twitter at the ADS/ADEA

Social Media – Another tool in the Diabetes Educators’ tool kit!

Jayne Lehmann RN CDE Much of my time as a diabetes educator is spent supporting people in their quest for knowledge, skills and empowerment around their diabetes and its care. Until a year or so ago I hadn’t even considered social media as a skill I needed in my toolkit of education and consulting skills. That all changed after attending

Can Diabetes Educators use Twitter to Support Experienced Type 1s?

Jayne Lehmann RN CDE Part 2: Twitter – A tool for good not evil! In the second part of this blog on Twitter and its use by diabetes educators, the role it can play in supporting people who have had type 1 diabetes for a long time and are confidently self managing, or the veteran T1s, is explored. Twitter enables people to share