Follow the Rainbow Injection Chart – Health Professional Pack

Credentialled Diabetes Educators, diabetes educators and primary care nurses can purchase this pack of ‘Follow the Rainbow’ resources to use in their work with people with diabetes. Each pack has two versions of the resource to support people with and without a cognitive disability. The low literacy version is great for children with type 1 diabetes too! This resource brings a structured and fun approach to moving insulin injection sites around the abdomen. It helps the person to avoid existing areas of lipohypertrophy (lumps and bumps) and prevents new areas forming.  Appropriate for people of any age using injectable diabetes medications.

Instructions and different versions of the resource included, along with a limited copyright agreement for the health professional to use within their practice.


Credentialled Diabetes Educators, diabetes educators and primary care nurses can purchase this pack of ‘Follow the Rainbow’ resources to use in their work with people with diabetes. Each pack has two versions of the resource to support people with and without a cognitive disability. The low literacy version is great for children with type 1 diabetes too! This resource brings a structured and fun approach to moving insulin injection sites around the abdomen. It helps the person to avoid existing areas of lipohypertrophy (lumps and bumps) and prevents new areas forming.  Appropriate for people of any age using injectable diabetes medications.

Instructions and different versions of the resource included, along with a limited copyright agreement for the health professional to use within their practice.


Introducing … The Follow the Rainbow Injection Chart … an innovative education resource and teaching strategy suitable for people with diabetes who use insulin. This is a new approach to an old problem; rotation of injection sites to prevent lipohypertrophy (lumps and bumps).

The Follow the Rainbow Injection Chart is a resource for Credentialled Diabetes Educators, Diabetes Educators and primary care nurses to use to teach people to move their injection sites up and over their abdomen. The aim is to prevent over injecting in the same areas, the cause of lipohypertrophy.

This simple resource, designed by Australian Registered Nurse and Credentialled Diabetes Educator, Jayne Lehmann, provides a structured and fun approach to avoiding and preventing lipohypertrophy (lumps and bumps). The strategy and resource can support children and adults alike to move their injection site, and avoid over injecting in the same areas – the cause of lipohypertrophy.

This package includes pdf. copies of the Follow the Rainbow resource for different target audiences (children, people with intellectual disability and adults), an outline of the teaching strategies to use with each version of the resource and limited copyright approval to use the resources with your client group. The resources can be printed for people to use at home using the pdf. copy.

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